Fanfics Read:
Halflife Fulllife Consequences (by squirrelking)
Halflife Fulllife Consequences Free Man (by squirrelking)
Halflife Hero Beggining (by squirrelking)
HalflifeFullLife Consequences 2WhatHasTobeDone (by squirrelking)
Round 2 (The sequel to One different step) (by Sabbs)
Readers: Stevo, David, Logan, Roy, Brad, Shawn, Steve, Valerie
Referee: Valerie, et. al
In this episode, the Nighthorse crew power through the Internet classic, the “Half-Life: Full Life Consequences Quadrilogy” by Squirrelking. Join us as cry falls out of us for the woeful tale of John Freeman who was Gordon Freeman’s brother! THEN, because that wasn’t enough to satiate our wanton loins, we return to the muscular machinations of Sabbs’ Kim Possible fanfic in “Round 2“. (We read the first part, “One Different Step” in this episode.) …Things get a little Dead-Alive all up in Kim’s great expanse!
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