Fanfics read:
Kirby’s Engagement (by SonicMaster5000)
Painfully Lustful (by Anne Oni Mouse)
Zelda swallowed by a snake (by TBoneTony)
Readers: Stevo, David, Logan, Roy, Shawn, Brad, Chowder, Valerie
Referee: Valerie
The crew take on some ‘fics loosely connected to Super Smash Bros., what with the recent release on the Wii U and all. First up is a scintillatingly sensual look at how erotic it is to be fingerbanging oneself while asphyxiating in a snake’s acidic digestive track in TBoneTony’s opus “Zelda Got Swallowed by a Snake“. Thrill as Stevo makes the mistake of making each “ugh” worth a drink – a decision he regrets very quickly… and deeply.
Next we dive in to a direct Smash Bros. fanfic where Bowser and Dedede get out some aggression, as well as some sexual stimulation, in Anne Oni Mouse’s “Painfully Lustful“. Some very descriptive blood here! We all know that’s what the good stuff is made out of.
And finally, we take on “Kirby’s Engagement” by SonicMaster5000, which follows Kirby and Ribbon (from Kirby 64) getting engaged and consummating their romance. As David so aptly puts it, “Merry Scatmas.”
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