Fanfics read:
COLD AND DARK DO GO WELL TOGETHER a cautoionary tale for illuminated magical dickhole sex (by japastiel)
Sonic in the Search for Love (by Krezz)
Readers: Stevo, David, Logan, Roy, Shawn, Brad, Tony, Spencer, Beth, Steve
Referee: Stevo
This is the big one – Krezz’s legendary slashfic nightmare: “Sonic in the Search for Love“. To divulge much more would be to spoil the horrors that await, but suffice it to say: this was the fanfic that nearly killed FNF before FNF was FNF. Our previous incarnation, Overclocked After Dark, got barely halfway through reading this story, so we’re starting from scratch and finishing it before this season of Friday Night Fanfiction ends.
Before things went South, we felt it was best to prep our palette with another fic. Prior to our first slice at “Sonic”, we read a downright romantic story featuing characters from the 2012 CGI film Rise of the Guardians and the best cameo of Gary Busey ever, “Cold and Dark Do Go Well Together” by japastiel. Just wait ’til you hear this story’s subtitle. Hint: it’s hella hot.
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