Fanfics read:
Dating Season (by HKMiller)
Dr Gregory House vs Edward Elric (by Miss Woodford)
Naruto The Hypno Zapper (By HazardGallantmon)
Until the End of Time (by gofer-chan)
Readers: Stevo, David, Logan, Roy, Andrew, Deia
Referee: Val
This week the FNF crew are joined by two old salts from our sordid past: Andrew and Deia, a.k.a. OA and DragonAvenger. To mark the occasion we hit up crossover fics of our roots!
House! Full Metal Alchemist! Anne Frank! Dragon Ball Z! Naruto! Warner Brothers! WAY TOO MANY TO LIST! Heck, we won’t even spoil them by going into further detail. Listen below and hit up the links following the player to read along. But, we’ll say this: we are issuing challenge for someone to draw Fat Albert in a microkini.
Yes. Please do that thing for us.
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