Fanfics read:
Fevered Lust (by TurtleNinja)
Readers: Stevo, David, Logan, Roy, Val, boR, Neofaust
Referee: Val
It’s a Nerdy Show Network crossover! We’re joined by the Derps from Derpy Show – boR and Neofaust come on to clear the air with decidedly lighter fare than our recent… ordeals. Tonight we read a Samurai Jack fic by TurtleNinja called “Fevered Lust“, where our perverse banter inspired by the story endds up dirtier than the fic itself. TurtleNinja gives us a sensual, honorable love story involving Tomoe and a virginal Samurai Jack. He’s fighting an Infection (always capitalized since its probably a proprietary CW or something), and poor Tomoe assists the only waya woman shoehorned into a plot by a mediocre writer can.
Also everyone should buy Patapon. That game is good no matter what anyone else says.
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