Fanfics read:
Fevered Lust (by TurtleNinja)
Dearest Daddy (by Tafyapyap)
Sexy Bathtime (by Tafyapyap)
Readers: Stevo, David, Logan, Roy, Arkais, Steve, SageZero
Referee: Val
It’s POKÉMON NIGHT! We pay tribute to the franchise that’s provided Nintendo more money than all religions combined. It’s also a franchise that’s scarred us deeply in the past, and not from belligerently filling up My Pokémon Ranchwith Pidgeys to get that legal Mew. No, in the time before Friday Night Fanfiction we succumbed to the torture Megadeth425’s “Solaceon Daycare’s Excellent Adventures“. Now, like a vet returning to ‘Nam, we return to the world of Pokémon to exorcise those demons.
Joining us are Arkais, SageZero, and Steve VS. We start with TurtleNinja’s “Fevered Lust“, a nice, down-home gym leader yaoi fic with Brojobs. Then, we get wet with Tafyapyap’s “Sexy Bathtime“. (Reading in vaguely European accents helps a lot!) Finally, we go beyond the beyond with another Tafyapyap tale: “Dearest Daddy“, which… Well, it’s definitely not a good Father’s Day gift.
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