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Fanfics read:
Forbidden Nature (by lia200304)
Metal Fixation (by CamiSoul)
Spider-man vs Santa Claus (by ComicsNix)
NerdyShow Forum Spam
Readers: Stevo, David, Roy, Val, Steve, Shawn, Sam
Referee: Val
Oh boy, this one was a doozie. Five readings in a single night, and our first reading of something other than fanfiction! Sam, Steve, and Shawn join a Logan-less FNF to grind through a ridiculous amount of text.
First up, some forum spam forwarded to us from Cap. Thanks, Cap! I threw up only four times!
Following that, we read Spider-Man vs. Santa Claus. And, of course, its by Comicsnix. Instant holiday classic.
Then we read Metal Fixation, a South Park fic focused on some GOFF kids. No mention of MCR, but we were on warning watch for anything even remotely resembling My Immortal. I (Stevo) haven’t seen South park in over a decade so I had no idea things had gotten this bad in town.
After wiping off the white foundation and black eyeliner, we got a little moist and read Slippery When Wet. Again, I have no frame of reference because I’ve never watched Transformers, but I definitely won’t be looking at my electronics the same way ever again. Charging port *shudder*.
And finally, we wrapped up with Forbidden Nature. No idea what we were expecting going into a Family Guy fic, but uhhhhh….yeah, that shit was pretty fucked up.To subscribe to this show, please add the following RSS to your favorite podcast app:
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