Fanfics read:
The Tamanegi Saga (By Android 20 Cerra)
Readers: Stevo, David, Logan, Trench, Tony
In this first part of two, Nerdy Show‘s Trench and Tony join the FNF crew as they sit down to revisit a beloved animated universe: Dragon Ball Z. The adventures of Goku, Gohan, Krillin, Piccolo, Bulma, Vegeta, and good ol’ panty-lovin’ Master Roshi have thrilled legions of devoted fans through their storied journeys on the inked page and the boob tube. A lot of material must have been cut out because what we have here is some pretty nasty, preggo-humping, ki-boosting ridiculousness.
In “The Tamanegi Saga” by Android 20 Cerra, we learn that Gohan and his wife Videl have a baby on the way. Videl gets in the mood for dat summertime loving and Gohan jumps at the chance. And what luck! Bro gets a power level increase from the unborn child, and that’s only the start of where things go off the rails.
Watch out for Piccolo’s french fry appendage!
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