Fanfics read:
Defiling the Emperor (by baratron)
Taking the Nine in Vain (by baratron)
Readers: Stevo, David, Logan, Tony, Jeff Ball, Valerie
Referee: Valerie
Join the FNF crew, with special guests, Nerdy Show‘s Tony Baldini and soundtrack composer Jeff Ball! They help us on our quest to read two connected stories by fanfic author baratron set in the wonderful land of The Elder Scrolls, specifically Oblivion. Join us for some ear-nibbling, rim-jobbing good fun!
The story? Martin Septim, illegitimate son of Emperor Uriel Septim, and O.C. Alix de Feu are bumping their donguses together. That’s basically it. There’s some attempt at plot (very good attempt in fact), and this fanfic actually used words properly and some words that we didn’t even know! THE TABLES HAVE TURNED! FANFIC IS TEACHING US THINGS! PLEASE HELP!
The two tales, “Taking the Nine in Vain” and “Defiling the Emperor” definitely contain some main quest spoilers, so read on with caution if you are one of the three people who have yet to play through the game.
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