Fanfics read:
Phoneix Wright in Guardians of the Ring Fellowship of the Story
Steevo’s therapy shows improvement (by tehmsu)
Readers: Stevo, David, Logan, Tom, Symphoenix, Tehmsu
In this very, very special episode of FNF, one of the most world renowned writers of bad fanfiction comes on and not only reads with us, but also WROTE A STORY SPECIFICALLY FOR US TO READ! Tom, also know as Peter Chimaera, mentally assaults the FNF crew with his terrible fanfic mashup of legendary proportions called “Phoneix Wright in Guardians of the Ring Fellowship of the Story“. There are more characters and crossovers than we can count but oh man, it’s quite the ride.
After we devoured that mythical dreck, we revisit something that we thought would remain buried forever. Somehow, some way, Tehmsu revived one of our worst nightmares. We started reading more of what nearly killed us last time.
We’re back to “Sonic in the Search for Love“.
May Eggman have mercy on us all.
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