Fanfics read:
The Long Way Out (by Jayrich)
Cyborg Beyoncé vs Zombie Paula Deen (by addykins)
Is it incest if you’re a robot (by The_Devilman_K)
Readers: Stevo, David, Logan, Squall, Shawn
Referee: Val
Wow, this week is a marathon session: finishing one story, and slammed through two others. We wrap up Jayrich’s “The Long Way Out” (it wasn’t long enough, or rather, it wasn’t as long as Spud’s member is implied in the story). We also found out apparently Jake’s grandfather starred in some racy stuff with mermaids when he was a younger old man. Fancy.
After that, we breezed through addykins’ “Cyborg Beyoncé vs. Zombie Paula Deen“. This went about as well as you would have expected it to go: everyone was dead, then there was possibly a war with everyone who wasn’t dead, and Paula Deen was made of butter and Beyoncé crushed the hopes of little girls. Surprisingly, it was better than every Super Bowl halftime show for the last decade.
And Finally, we descended into the erotic, incesty world of “Is It Incest if You’re a Robot?” by The_Devilman_K. Spoiler alert: the answer, unequivocally, is yes.
Beep boop. Sniff.
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