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Friday Night Fanfiction - The Archives
Friday Night Fanfiction - The Archives
Season 1 Episode 12 - The Eye of The Storm

Fanfics read:
Sonic in the Search for Love (by Krezz)

Readers: Stevo, David, Logan, Roy, Shawn, Steve, Spencer, Valron
Referee: Val

Part 3 in our dire battle with one of the worst fanfics of all-time, Krezz’s “Sonic in the Search for Love“. Last episode, the story began devolving as the author revised his earlier chapters. Now, we’re hitting really choppy waters with additional chapter revisions and the infamous chapter 5 – the longest chapter in the entire story.  We’re in the center of a genuine shitstorm here, folks.

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Friday Night Fanfiction - The Archives
Friday Night Fanfiction - The Archives
Season 1 Episode 11 - When There’s Nudity, He’s There Dutily!

Fanfics read:
Sonic in the Search for Love (by Krezz)

Readers: Stevo, David, Logan, Roy, Shawn, Brad, Chowder, Val, Steve
Referee: Val

The Nighthorse crew continue their valiant battle against one of the raunchiest fanfics out there, Krezz’s “Sonic in the Search for Love”. In this episode, we hit the milestone moment when Krezz starts backtracking on his work. Yes – this is the work of a madman. We have now reached his third revision of Chapter One. Our food and supplies are running low, and we are at the mercy of the elements. It’s uncertain how much longer we can hold out before cannibalism becomes a viable option. Heaven only knows how we’re going to survive…with everyone…

We should have never opened that damn book. We should have listened to that gypsy and her warning about the curse. As long as the lights stay on, we should be able to-

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Friday Night Fanfiction - The Archives
Friday Night Fanfiction - The Archives
Season 1 Episode 10 -"Gary Busey Approves"

Fanfics read:
COLD AND DARK DO GO WELL TOGETHER a cautoionary tale for illuminated magical dickhole sex (by japastiel)
Sonic in the Search for Love (by Krezz)

Readers: Stevo, David, Logan, Roy, Shawn, Brad, Tony, Spencer, Beth, Steve
Referee: Stevo

This is the big one – Krezz’s legendary slashfic nightmare: “Sonic in the Search for Love“.  To divulge much more would be to spoil the horrors that await, but suffice it to say: this was the fanfic that nearly killed FNF before FNF was FNF.  Our previous incarnation, Overclocked After Dark, got barely halfway through reading this story, so we’re starting from scratch and finishing it before this season of Friday Night Fanfiction ends.

Before things went South, we felt it was best to prep our palette with another fic.  Prior to our first slice at “Sonic”, we read a downright romantic story featuing characters from the 2012 CGI film Rise of the Guardians and the best cameo of Gary Busey ever, “Cold and Dark Do Go Well Together” by japastiel. Just wait ’til you hear this story’s subtitle.  Hint: it’s hella hot.

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Friday Night Fanfiction - The Archives
Friday Night Fanfiction - The Archives
Season 1 Episode 9 - Groinsaw

Fanfics read:
Like Like Likes Little Link (by Ignatious)

Readers: Stevo, David, Logan, Roy, Shawn, Chowder, Steve, Valerie
Referee: Valerie

Oh boy, oh boy… we can’t aptly describe tonight’s first tale, “Like Like Likes Little Link” by Ignatious, but we’ll try… It’s a bloody, disgusting, two-chapter horror-fest involving young Link from Ocarina of Time and various monsters. It’s probably the most violent thing we’ve ever read, and it tries to make it SEXY. Absolutely terrifying stuff – not for the faint of heart. This one nearly broke Stevo. Seriously, he’s never yelled so much in a ‘fic before.

We decided to follow up that heavy read with a lighthearted, existential Harry Potter romp known as… lots of frigging H’s. (Seriously, the story’s called “HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH” by Secondpillow) This was voted one of the BEST fanfics we’ve ever read. You could say it’s an extremely polarizing episode. At the very least, we know this: only accept American Cockstitution. Accept no substitutes.

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Friday Night Fanfiction - The Archives
Friday Night Fanfiction - The Archives
Season 1 Episode 8 - "Ugh"

Fanfics read:
Kirby’s Engagement (by SonicMaster5000)
Painfully Lustful (by Anne Oni Mouse)
Zelda swallowed by a snake (by TBoneTony)

Readers: Stevo, David, Logan, Roy, Shawn, Brad, Chowder, Valerie
Referee: Valerie

The crew take on some ‘fics loosely connected to Super Smash Bros., what with the recent release on the Wii U and all.  First up is a scintillatingly sensual look at how erotic it is to be fingerbanging oneself while asphyxiating in a snake’s acidic digestive track in TBoneTony’s opus “Zelda Got Swallowed by a Snake“. Thrill as Stevo makes the mistake of making each “ugh” worth a drink – a decision he regrets very quickly… and deeply.

Next we dive in to a direct Smash Bros. fanfic where Bowser and Dedede get out some aggression, as well as some sexual stimulation, in Anne Oni Mouse’s “Painfully Lustful“.  Some very descriptive blood here!  We all know that’s what the good stuff is made out of.

And finally, we take on “Kirby’s Engagement” by SonicMaster5000, which follows Kirby and Ribbon (from Kirby 64) getting engaged and consummating their romance. As David so aptly puts it, “Merry Scatmas.”

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Friday Night Fanfiction - The Archives
Friday Night Fanfiction - The Archives
Season 1 Episode 7 - I’ll Do Whatever You Want, Sexy Burger

Fanfics Read:
Halflife Fulllife Consequences (by squirrelking)
Halflife Fulllife Consequences Free Man (by squirrelking)
Halflife Hero Beggining (by squirrelking)
HalflifeFullLife Consequences 2WhatHasTobeDone (by squirrelking)
Round 2 (The sequel to One different step) (by Sabbs)

Readers: Stevo, David, Logan, Roy, Brad, Shawn, Steve, Valerie
Referee: Valerie, et. al

In this episode, the Nighthorse crew power through the Internet classic, the “Half-Life: Full Life Consequences Quadrilogy” by Squirrelking. Join us as cry falls out of us for the woeful tale of John Freeman who was Gordon Freeman’s brother! THEN, because that wasn’t enough to satiate our wanton loins, we return to the muscular machinations of Sabbs’ Kim Possible fanfic in “Round 2“. (We read the first part, “One Different Step” in this episode.) …Things get a little Dead-Alive all up in Kim’s great expanse!

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Friday Night Fanfiction - The Archives
Friday Night Fanfiction - The Archives
Season 1 Episode 6 - I Got a Ton-er for Dean Thomas
Fanfics Read:
Readers: Stevo, David, Logan, Roy, Shawn, Brad, Tony, Garret
Referee: Val
In this episode, we finished up Hogwarts School of Prayer and Miracles.  I won’t spoil the ending, but it was more Inception than Interstellar (which I haven’t seen yet so you know it’s true).  Stevo, in lieu of a musical interlude, redesigns part of the story Dr. Seuss style, and David impresses all with his Texas accent.  Tony does a better Texas accent, though.
Then we read the entirety of Cheese Dies!, which apparently was based on Fosters Home for Imaginary Friends.  After reading this, I have even less of a desire to find out what that show was about.
And finally, we had to conclude with something sexy, so we read Cloud Mows the Lawn.  A tale of grass, mowing, and turd turd.To subscribe to this show, please add the following RSS to your favorite podcast app:
Friday Night Fanfiction – The Archives

Friday Night Fanfiction - The Archives
Friday Night Fanfiction - The Archives
Season 1 Episode 5 - Pillow; Fart;

Fanfics Read:
Hogwarts School of Prayer and Miracles (by proudhousewife)

Readers: Stevo, Logan, Roy, Shawn, Brad, Steve, Beth, Chowder
Referee: Val
In this Halloween follow up, we begin reading the recently-concluded Hogwarts School of Prayer and Miracles.  This was brought to the internet’s attention because a supposed housewife wanted to have her children enjoy the Harry Potter books without any of that nasty old magic or witchcraft.  Being the conservative Christian that she is, she re-wrote Harry Potter into a 14-chapter suckfest with way too many made up adverbs and some of the worst characterization coherent fanfiction has ever seen.  Enjoy it, enjoyingly! We read up to chapter 8 this time, and will finish it up next week.To subscribe to this show, please add the following RSS to your favorite podcast app:
Friday Night Fanfiction – The Archives

Friday Night Fanfiction - The Archives
Friday Night Fanfiction - The Archives
Season 1 Episode 4 - "Hyper-Realistic"

Fanfics Read:
Gamerz Fantasy VIII (by The Playing Mantis)
Normal Porn for Normal People
Squidward’s Suicide
Super Mario 128

Readers: Stevo, David, Logan, Roy, Steve, Shawn, Brad, Deven
Referee: Valerie
In this SPOOPY POOPY Halloweeners episode, we read three of the scariest creepy-pastas known to the internet: Squidward’s Suicide, Normal Porn for Normal People, and Super Mario 128.
Then, when we were sufficiently relaxed from reading things that were not at all frightening, we finished up part 3 of Gamerz Fantasy VIII! THAT shit was scary, yo.To subscribe to this show, please add the following RSS to your favorite podcast app:
Friday Night Fanfiction – The Archives

Friday Night Fanfiction - The Archives
Friday Night Fanfiction - The Archives
Season 1 Episode 3 - Cause I'm Fucking That Dog Peen
Readers: Stevo, David, Logan, Roy, Chowder, Shawn, Cameron
Referee: Valerie
In this we read part 2 of Gamerz Fantasy VIII.  Stevo makes a Queen homage with lyrics about horrible dog penises, we discuss the John Madden Football Nativity Scene, and Selphie gets it on with the knotted cocks of Cerberus.  We still have most of Part 3 to go next week, but we can kinda already tell that this is a one-note story, just with multiple monsters.To subscribe to this show, please add the following RSS to your favorite podcast app:
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