
Friday Night Fanfiction - The Archives
Friday Night Fanfiction - The Archives
Season 2 Episode 18 - Count de Foothump

Fanfics read:
Sex Guides and FAQ – Dolphin Sex
Mahou Shoujo Kaleido Amethyst (by kijin666)

Readers: Stevo, David, Logan, Roy, Shawn, Steve, Wolfboy
Referee: None/Stevo

In this episode we take a much-needed break from our sexless season finale fic “Melon Bamboo Kortana Tenderkiss“, or whatever its called, by kijin666 (a crossfic of Harry Potter and Japanese visual novel Fate/stay night). Before we get back to that mess, we read “Dolphins: FAQ on Mating” by intrepid sex scholar Dragon-wolfe Dolphinn, from the now-defunct resource dolphinsex.org. For all of you aspiring zoophiles, you’ll find mounds and humps of useful knowledge. Just be sure to duck out of the way of the load, it’ll hit you like a freight train.

Also, Vegeta is the most important character in existence. Everyone should be Vegeta.

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Friday Night Fanfiction - The Archives
Friday Night Fanfiction - The Archives
Season 2 Episode 17 - Nerds and a BJ

Fanfics read:
Mahou Shoujo Kaleido Amethyst (by kijin666)

Readers: Stevo, David, Roy, and the Flame ON! crew: Bryan, Adam, Jeff, and BJ
Referee: Val

We’re deep into our season finale longfic “Mahou Shoujo Kaleido Amethyst” by kijin666 – a crossfic of Harry Potter and Japanese visual novel Fate/stay night. And, not unlike a JRPG journey, we’ve encountered some new party members to help us on our quest. We’re joined by Bryan, Adam, Jeff, and BJ from Nerdy Show‘s all-gay, all-geek podcast, Flame ON! to help us make this rousing rendition of kijin666’s bastard fanfic more A-rousing.

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Friday Night Fanfiction - The Archives
Season 2 Episode 16 - ZelBARF

Fanfics read:
Mahou Shoujo Kaleido Amethyst (by kijin666)

Readers: Stevo, David, Roy, Shawn, Steve, tehmsu
Referee: Val

We continue our trooping through our season finale longfic “Mahou Shoujo Kaleido Amethyst” by kijin666 – a crossfic of Harry Potter and Japanese visual novel Fate/stay night. It took ages, but we finally hit some sexy stuff this time. And yet… not even poorly written, poorly conceived lovemaking can sooth the pain. Only a few 100,000 words to go…


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Friday Night Fanfiction - The Archives
Season 2 Episode 15 - Electric Windmill Car

Fanfics read:
Mahou Shoujo Kaleido Amethyst (by kijin666)

Readers: Stevo, David, Roy, Shawn, Deven, Manny, Tony
Referee: NONE!

Season 2’s epic epoch of longfic begins here! Season One’s longfic, “Sonic in the Search for Love” nearly killed us. This time around,we’re hoping things will be better. [Spoiler Alert: One episode in and… NOPE.] This wretched endurance test is a wonderful crossover that has inception-level references. It doesn’t just cross the streams between Harry Potter and the Japanese visual novel Fate/Stay Night. No, we’re not that lucky. It’s a crossover of Harry Potter and someone’s 930,000 word long Fate/Stay Night fanfiction. Presenting: “Mahou Shoujo Kaleido Amethyst” by kijin666.

There are not enough curse words in all of the languages on Earth combined to express the rage. Guest readers include: newcomer Manny joins Shawn, Deven, and Nerdy Show‘s Tony!

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Friday Night Fanfiction - The Archives
Season 2 Episode 14 - Everyone is Carl, Except for Meatwad

Fanfics read:
Rated F A Phineas and Ferb Sex Comedy (by GeorgeGlass)
Sweat (by Commander)

Readers: Stevo, David, Roy, Val, Spencer, Steve, Evan, Sir Splee
Referee: Val

Every season of Friday Night Fanfiction, we close out by reading and epic longfic over the course of multiple episodes. It’s a profound test of fortitude. This is the calm before the storm: the last shortfic session. Before we dive into our longfic abyss with Harry Potter and Fate/stay night, we have this. THIS. This….actually, pretty awesomely written Phineas and Ferb fanfic by GeorgeGlass called “Rated F: A Phineas and Ferb Sex Comedy“.

It’s hilarious as long as you forget how freaking underage these characters are. (Though the story certainly tried to remind you every so often.) Join us for a tag-team guest line-up of readers. And since we had a few extra minutes, we indulged in some nostalgiacide by reading a Darkwing Duck fanfic by Commander called “Sweat” which explores creative applications for Liquidator’s water powers on Drake Mallard’s ward, Gosalyn.

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Friday Night Fanfiction - The Archives
Season 2 Episode 13 - Feminist Activism NOW!

Fanfics read:
Forbidden Nature (by lia200304)
Metal Fixation (by CamiSoul)
Spider-man vs Santa Claus (by ComicsNix)
NerdyShow Forum Spam

Readers: Stevo, David, Roy, Val, Steve, Shawn, Sam
Referee: Val
Oh boy, this one was a doozie.  Five readings in a single night, and our first reading of something other than fanfiction!  Sam, Steve, and Shawn join a Logan-less FNF to grind through a ridiculous amount of text.
First up, some forum spam forwarded to us from Cap.  Thanks, Cap!  I threw up only four times!
Following that, we read Spider-Man vs. Santa Claus.  And, of course, its by Comicsnix.  Instant holiday classic.
Then we read Metal Fixation, a South Park fic focused on some GOFF kids.  No mention of MCR, but we were on warning watch for anything even remotely resembling My Immortal.  I (Stevo) haven’t seen South park in over a decade so I had no idea things had gotten this bad in town.
After wiping off the white foundation and black eyeliner, we got a little moist and read Slippery When Wet.  Again, I have no frame of reference because I’ve never watched Transformers, but I definitely won’t be looking at my electronics the same way ever again.  Charging port *shudder*.
And finally, we wrapped up with Forbidden Nature.  No idea what we were expecting going into a Family Guy fic, but uhhhhh….yeah, that shit was pretty fucked up.To subscribe to this show, please add the following RSS to your favorite podcast app:
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Friday Night Fanfiction - The Archives
Friday Night Fanfiction - The Archives
Season 2 Episode 12 - Dipples and Vipples

Fanfics read:
Brotherly Love (by jj1a)
On Bio-Mass (by Twitchystitch)
Sex in the City (by Hairy Gregory)

Readers: Stevo, David, Logan, Roy, Brad, Kyle, Tony
Referee: Val

The FNF crew are joined by Kyle (HeroMax), Brad, and Tony for a romping cartoon free-for-all, smashing your childhood and adulthood animated loves with sardonic sexual encounters! We start with “On Bio-Mass” an Adventure Time ficapalooza by Twitchystitch where Princess Bubblegum devours Finn in the most sensual way possible. Sexy servings of pseudoscience! We follow this up with “Sex in the City” by Hairy Gregory, a Powerpuff Girls fic not nearly as bad as Comicsnix’s “Naked Heart: In Soul of the Sun“. Trust us when we say the story’s ending joke is worth trudging through the moistness dealt by Blossom’s bereaved buttcrack. Finally, we tear up the Thundercats with some sibling seduction in jj1a’s “Brotherly Love“. It’s a lot better than watching middle school elective wrestling, and about as erotic.

Keep an eye on our facebook page for the mentioned mspaintporn once we have a chance to censor it for the eyes of the world. It’s too horrible in its native state… like dark matter… or taco bell.

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Friday Night Fanfiction - The Archives
Friday Night Fanfiction - The Archives
Season 2 Episode 11 - Jeremiah B.J.

Fanfics read:
Fevered Lust (by TurtleNinja)
Dearest Daddy (by Tafyapyap)
Sexy Bathtime (by Tafyapyap)

Readers: Stevo, David, Logan, Roy, Arkais, Steve, SageZero
Referee: Val

It’s POKÉMON NIGHT! We pay tribute to the franchise that’s provided Nintendo more money than all religions combined. It’s also a franchise that’s scarred us deeply in the past, and not from belligerently filling up My Pokémon Ranchwith Pidgeys to get that legal Mew. No, in the time before Friday Night Fanfiction we succumbed to the torture Megadeth425’s “Solaceon Daycare’s Excellent Adventures“. Now, like a vet returning to ‘Nam, we return to the world of Pokémon to exorcise those demons.

Joining us are Arkais, SageZero, and Steve VS. We start with TurtleNinja’s “Fevered Lust“, a nice, down-home gym leader yaoi fic with Brojobs. Then, we get wet with Tafyapyap’s “Sexy Bathtime“. (Reading in vaguely European accents helps a lot!) Finally, we go beyond the beyond with another Tafyapyap tale: “Dearest Daddy“, which… Well, it’s definitely not a good Father’s Day gift.

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Friday Night Fanfiction - The Archives
Season 2 Episode 10 - Remember That Time Aku Dressed Like a Girl & Ordered Pizza?

Fanfics read:
Fevered Lust (by TurtleNinja)

Readers: Stevo, David, Logan, Roy, Val, boR, Neofaust
Referee: Val

It’s a Nerdy Show Network crossover! We’re joined by the Derps from Derpy Show – boR and Neofaust come on to clear the air with decidedly lighter fare than our recent… ordeals.  Tonight we read a Samurai Jack fic by TurtleNinja called “Fevered Lust“, where our perverse banter inspired by the story endds up dirtier than the fic itself.  TurtleNinja gives us a sensual, honorable love story involving Tomoe and a virginal Samurai Jack.  He’s fighting an Infection (always capitalized since its probably a proprietary CW or something), and poor Tomoe assists the only waya woman shoehorned into a plot by a mediocre writer can.

Also everyone should buy Patapon.  That game is good no matter what anyone else says.

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Friday Night Fanfiction - The Archives
Friday Night Fanfiction - The Archives
Season 2 Episode 9 - Fat Albert’s Breast Nipples

Fanfics read:
Dating Season (by HKMiller)
Dr Gregory House vs Edward Elric (by Miss Woodford)
Naruto The Hypno Zapper (By HazardGallantmon)
Until the End of Time (by gofer-chan)

Readers: Stevo, David, Logan, Roy, Andrew, Deia
Referee: Val

This week the FNF crew are joined by two old salts from our sordid past: Andrew and Deia, a.k.a. OA and DragonAvenger. To mark the occasion we hit up crossover fics of our roots!

HouseFull Metal Alchemist! Anne Frank! Dragon Ball ZNaruto! Warner Brothers! WAY TOO MANY TO LIST! Heck, we won’t even spoil them by going into further detail. Listen below and hit up the links following the player to read along. But, we’ll say this: we are issuing challenge for someone to draw Fat Albert in a microkini.

Yes. Please do that thing for us.

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