Fanfics read:
Sex Guides and FAQ – Dolphin Sex
Mahou Shoujo Kaleido Amethyst (by kijin666)
Readers: Stevo, David, Logan, Roy, Shawn, Steve, Wolfboy
Referee: None/Stevo
In this episode we take a much-needed break from our sexless season finale fic “Melon Bamboo Kortana Tenderkiss“, or whatever its called, by kijin666 (a crossfic of Harry Potter and Japanese visual novel Fate/stay night). Before we get back to that mess, we read “Dolphins: FAQ on Mating” by intrepid sex scholar Dragon-wolfe Dolphinn, from the now-defunct resource dolphinsex.org. For all of you aspiring zoophiles, you’ll find mounds and humps of useful knowledge. Just be sure to duck out of the way of the load, it’ll hit you like a freight train.
Also, Vegeta is the most important character in existence. Everyone should be Vegeta.
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