
Friday Night Fanfiction - The Archives
Friday Night Fanfiction - The Archives
Season 2 Episode 8 - Outback’s Blooming Wang Tire

Fanfics reads:
Kim Possible – Futa Hard (by Lord-Kellendros)

Readers: Stevo, David, Logan, Roy, Steve, Deven
Referee: Val

Our painful journey with Lord-Kellendros’ Kim Possible fic “Futa Hard” continues. We wrap up this soft, flimsy story that took us three hours to read what seemed to be about six minutes of actual smut, while also removing any erotic existential exemplary appeal due to consistently cascading colloquialisms categorized by awesomely abundant aural alliteration and more run-on sentences than you could shake a stick at were you to have a career in stick-shakery.

Chances are good you’ll never get a semi again.

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Friday Night Fanfiction - The Archives
Season 2 Episode 7 - Meatball-Easy

Fanfics read:
He’s a Lady (by Loni)
Kim Possible – Futa Hard (by Lord-Kellendros)

Readers: Val, David, Logan, Roy, Brad
Referee: Stevo

This week we’re indulging bedroom role reversal. Stevo and Val swap reader/ referee and the crew takes on a crossdressing, yaoi-flavored Team Fortress 2 fic by Loni called “He’s a Lady” – featuring copious recitations of that one Tom Jones song. [Spoiler alert: no one on the crew can do a legit Scout voice. Those were as much of a train wreck as the story itself.] We chase that down with “Futa Hard” by Lord-Kellendros – a Kim Possible fic that truly does the impossible: makes sexy stuff mind-numbingly BORING! Seriously it has about as much action as 14 episodes of Dragon Ball Z (read: basically nothing happened of consequence) so we have our fun and leave that mess mid-stream.

Also, Pour one out in memory of last week’s podcast. It was legit eaten by The Lawnmower Man and drug screaming into digital hell. We’re attempting a seance but the dark arts are not to be taken lightly.

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Friday Night Fanfiction - The Archives
Season 2 Episode 5 - Honk If You’re Horny For Spider-Man. BEEP BEEP.

Fanfics read:
Lessons Learned on Sesame Street (by The Camel Hump)
Underwear (by Spug)

Readers: Stevo, David, Logan, Roy, Shawn, Sir Splee, Chowder
Referee: Val

Are you ready to be damaged goods? Forget spending years in an abusive courtship or watching Cannibal Holocaust for 24 hours – Friday Night Fanfiction is here! And they’ve brought brown party liquor!

Get tickled in New York’s happiest neighborhood with everyone’s favorite adorable monster, Elmo in the explicit Sesame Street tale “Lessons Learned on Sesame Street” by The Camel Hump. Then careen the 18-wheeler of your mind into a metaphorical ditch with the Homestar Runner slashfic “Underwear” by Spug and thrill to the musky flavors of HomestarXStrongBad.

Also featuring the best use of J. Jonah Jamison. Ever.

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Friday Night Fanfiction - The Archives
Season 2 Episode 4 - Experiment P.E.E.N.

Fanfics read:
A Bone to Pick (by XtremePlaga)
Big, Red and Angry (by The Mustard King)
Why Couldn’t I Just be Dissected (by WDCain)

Readers: Stevo, David, Roy, Trench, Tony, Sir Splee
Referee: Val

FNF is joined by venerable streaming duo Trench and Tony, along with Sir Splee to replace the invisible Logan for a three fanfic sexfest. First, one of the most genuinely off-putting Disney fanfics we’ve ever read (and this is coming the week after reading “Jasmine Cumslut“!). “A Bone to Pick” by XtremePlaga is… a Lilo and Stitch fanfic where experiment 628 gives Stitch Goro-Genetalia. It’s soft science at its worst!

Never fear – we follow that horror show up with WDCain’s genuinely hilarious “Why Couldn’t I Just Be Dissected?”, in which Danny Phantom’s mother finally catches the ghost-boy and plans on “experimenting” with him. And then we finish with the X-Men / Clifford the Big Red Dog fic you never knew you wanted, “Big, Red and Angry”by The Mustard King – featuring one of the funniest sex scenes to ever happen in the Marvel universe! Take it all the way down to brown town!

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Friday Night Fanfiction - The Archives
Season 2 Episode 3 - Galdap/Bush 2016

Fanfics read:
A Fish out of Water – A Dungeons and Doritos Fanfic (by The Mustard King)
Jasmine cumslut (by EclipsePheniox)
THE NEWEST TURTLE (by Jay Friedman)

Readers: Stevo, David, Logan, Roy, Hex, Cap
Referee: Val

By the Anal Beads of Agamotto, we have quite the episode for you today! FNF is joined by our benefactors, friends, and kinky sex toys: Hex and Cap of Nerdy Show. Together we form a trifecta of terrible and summon the Republican magicks of Galdap to bring forth Jamela and Vimak of Dungeons & Doritos!

To mark the occasion, we conjure a Dungeons & Doritos fic which has apparently been hiding on the internet until now, “A Fish out of Water” by The Mustard King. Following that, we read Jay Friedman’s “THE NEWEST TURTLE”, where the author lives out every 90’s kids prepubescent ninja fighting fantasy. And, because this episode isn’t nearly filthy enough, we close with EclipsePheniox’s “Jasmine Cumslut”, which… well… its just terrible and ruins a shocking range of franchises simultaneously.

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Friday Night Fanfiction - The Archives
Season 2 Episode 2 - Is Garfield Jewish?

Fanfics read:
The Garfield Bowl (by ShakespeareHemmingway)
The Garfield Story (by ShakespeareHemmingway)
Zero Dark Garfield (by ShakespeareHemmingway)

Readers: Stevo, David, Roy, Shawn, Brad, Steve
Referee: Val

Garfield takes a front row seat for the Garfield Show starring Garfield as Garfield, Garfield, Garfield and Garfield have their guests Garfield, Garfield, and also Garfield (in a special appearance due to Garfield not being able to join us that evening) for a series of Garfield fics that are more Garfield than Garfield!

We read a triptych of Garfield fics by the incomparable author ShakespearHemmingway – First, a beautiful tale about artistic integrity and also Ebola as Garfield establishes his dominance as the world’s greatest artist in “The Garfield Bowl“. Then, things go into intrigue mode with the political terroristic thriller about Osama Bin Laden in “Zero Dark Garfield“. Finally, we revisit the core values of the holiday season as brought to you by “The Garfield Story“.


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Friday Night Fanfiction - The Archives
Season 2 Episode 1 - And We’re Back

Fanfics read:
Immortality in Fickle Affection (by Tekki and Vejiita4eva)

Readers: Stevo, David, Logan, Roy
Referee: Val

After a month hiatus/rehab following their reading of “Sonic in the Search for Love”, the FNF crew is back to kick off Season Two with a bang.  Many bangs in fact – ’cause there’s some serious hyrda action going on in Hercule’s loins. “HERCULES.TXT” aka “Immortality In Fickle Affection” by Tekki and Vejiita4eva, is a Kingdom Hearts fic featuring gender bending, inappropriate kooshballs, and some of the most obvious Creative Writing Major material we’ve seen yet.

Join us, won’t you?

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Friday Night Fanfiction - The Archives
Season 1 Episode 17 - Season 1 Recap

Fanfics read:
Faster Enterprise! … Kill! Kill! (By Jessica Leenstra)

Readers: Stevo, David, Logan, Roy, Mike
Referee: Val

The dust has cleared and all we can see is carnage and violated bodies for miles and miles. Our seven episode, marathon reading of “Sonic and the Search for Love” claimed many lives. So, like any good drinking binge, we end this season with a regurgitation of all that’s come before.

We walk down memory lane, back through all the ‘fics we read in Season 1, and share our favorite moments and personal choices for the best and worst. Plus we have a guest read a quick, terrible Star Trek: The Next Generation fanfic, “Faster, Enterprise…Kill! Kill!” by Jessica Leenstra.

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Friday Night Fanfiction - The Archives
Season 1 Episode 16 - The End

Fanfics read:
Sonic in the Search for Love (by Krezz)

Readers: Stevo, Logan, Roy, Shawn, Brad, Val
Referee: Val


We finished “Sonic in the Search for Love“!

After seven episodes of unimaginable torment, our alcohol-fueled journey through the torture of Krezz’s Sonic the Hedgehog fanfic has ended. There was much rejoicing… and sudden projectile vomiting.

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Friday Night Fanfiction - The Archives
Season 1 Episode 15 - Bubblecum

Fanfics read:
Sonic in the Search for Love (by Krezz)

Readers: Stevo, Roy, Val, Tony, Beth, Cyril
Referee: Val

Our sixth installment in the never-ending nightmare of Krezz’s “Sonic in the Search for Love“. We’ve lost contact with the FNFcrew, all we found was a journal in the scorched remains of an old library:

“January 12th, 2015.

Nope.  No description.  Not even worth doing it.  Life is pain, life is misery.  SONIC IS THE ILLUMINATI.  We are all under his spell, and we can not break free.  I know not what sin I have committed to be relegated to this eternal purgatory.  All I know is that, like Dante, I must press forward into the foul depths and not turn back.  I must descend into the abyss in order to reach my promised paradise.

Godspeed to us all.”

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